. The applicant asked the High court for an order to stop his wife from getting pregnant.
Due to the fact that a foetus has no legal rights until it is born and begins to exist independently of its mother, the injunction was rejected.
The abortion was performed.
The applicant asserted that English abortion law infringes both Articles 2 and
"The 'life' of the foetus is closely linked to the life of the expectant mother and cannot be viewed separately.
If Article 2 were deemed to apply to the foetus and its protection under this Article were viewed as absolute in the absence of any express limitations, an abortion would have to be regarded as illegal even in cases where the pregnant woman's life would be seriously endangered by the continuation of the pregnancy.
This would imply that the life of the pregnant woman would not be given the same worth as the 'unborn life' of the foetus."
Article 8: Abortion was justified as required for the protection of another person's life under Art. 8 of the Constitution, which states that family values must be respected.